Dongguan maritime bureau and immigration joint strengthening
EDIT: 领运物流 TIME: 2022-02-13 10:40

Dongguan maritime bureau and immigration joint strengthening port supervision
2010-5-7 www.leadone.net
Reporter was informed that the maritime bureau of Dongguan and Dongguan entry exit inspection and Quarantine Bureau held "to strengthen the joint law enforcement and regulatory cooperation memorandum" signing ceremony, the two sides established the inlet and exit ship (goods) Supervision joint law enforcement mechanism, dangerous goods regulation cooperation mechanism, epidemic prevention and control mechanisms and joint cooperation mechanism four aspects to reach a consensus, strictly control the ship and cargo import and export customs check.
It is understood that in 2009, the Dongguan cargo throughput reached 90 million tons, maritime and inspection and quarantine with the import and export of goods inspection unit, for the protection of the goods import and export provide strong security. The two sides to strengthen joint law enforcement supervision, signed a memorandum of cooperation, communication and cooperation will be conducted in six aspects. One of the ships, containers, shipping dangerous goods into the country, and actively implement the joint inspection and supervision; two is through joint maritime transport of dangerous goods regulations related to training and professional knowledge, improve the level of management of dangerous goods law enforcement personnel; three is to grasp the regular briefings, exchange of dangerous goods import and export shipping information; the four is the establishment of emergency disposal of port dangerous goods emergency joint working mechanism, reasonable mobilize resources to jointly deal with the disposal of dangerous goods emergency; five are timely notification of epidemic situation, cooperate with each other to implement the emergency quarantine measures, construction of multi level joint prevention and control mechanism to prevent infectious; the six is to solve the technical and legal issues concerned through regular technical seminars or modes of communication, strengthen communication and cooperation. It is reported that the two sides will give full play to the advantages, further strengthen inbound and outbound vessels, cargo supervision, improve the efficiency of customs clearance, to effectively combat maritime dangerous goods concealed false, failing to report such as undetected violations, earnestly fulfill both statutory duties, safeguard people's property and economic security, together to create a safe, smooth, civilized and efficient port escort for local economic development.

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